hominem iubere facere

hominem iubere facere
index command

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • command — I verb adjure, authorize, bid, call for, call upon, charge, compel, constrain, decree, demand, direct, direct imperatively, enact, exact, exercise authority, force, give directions, give orders, govern, have control, hominem iubere facere, homini …   Law dictionary

  • TRIBUNUS — nomen non unius apud Romanos dignitatis. Tribunus seu Praefectus Celerum dictus est, qui Equitibus praeerat, et veluti secundum a Regibus locum obtinebat, quo in numero Iunius Brutus, auctor eiectorum Regum, exstitit. Magistratum hunc Romulus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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