- moderate
(preside over) verb
act as chairman, act as moderator, act as president, administer, be at the head of, be in authority, chair, command, control, direct, discipline, govern, have charge of, head, hold in check, hold sway over, hold the chair, lead, manage, master, officiate, oversee, pilot, police, regulate, run, stand over, steer, supervise, take charge of
(temper) verb
abate, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, attemper, blunt, calm, chasten, check, constrain, cool, curb, dampen, decelerate, decrease, diminish, dull, ease, hush, keep within bounds, lessen, lighten, limit, make less, mitigate, modify, mollify, mute, narrow, pacify, palliate, qualify, quell, quiet, reduce, repress, restrain, season, slacken, slow down, smooth, sober, soften, soothe, still, subdue, suppress, tame, tone down, tranquilize, weaken
adjust (regulate), allay, alleviate, alter, arbitrate (conciliate), assuage, average (standard), controlled (restrained), curb, de minimus, ease, extenuate, fair (satisfactory), imperfect, intercede, intermediate, judge, judicious, lenient, lessen, marginal, mediate, mediocre, minimal, mitigate, mollify, negligible, nominal, nonpartisan, obtund, officiate, palliate (abate), passable, peaceable, regulate (adjust), relax, relieve (free from burden), remit (relax), restrain, soothe, subdue, subside, usual
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006