
I verb baffle, bedevil, bemuse, beset, bewilder, bother, complicate, confound, confuse, corner, discompose, disconcert, disorient, disquiet, distrahere, disturb, embarrass, encumber, entangle, fill with doubt, fog, involve, make difficult, make intricate, mix up, muddle, mystify, nonplus, perturb, pose, pother, puzzle, rattle, render uncertain, snarl, sollicitare, tangle, tease, trouble, unsettle, upset, vex, worry II index agitate (perturb), badger, bait (harass), confound, confuse (bewilder), discommode, discompose, disconcert, disorganize, disturb, obfuscate, perturb

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  • perplex — PERPLÉX, Ă, perplecşi, xe, adj. (Despre oameni) Surprins, uimit, uluit (şi nedumerit); încurcat, dezorientat, năuc. năucit, ♦ (Despre atitudinea, manifestările oamenilor) Care arată, exprimă, trădează perplexitate. – Din fr. perplexe, lat.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Perplex — Per*plex , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Perplexed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Perplexing}.] [L. perplexari. See {Perplex}, a.] 1. To involve; to entangle; to make intricate or complicated, and difficult to be unraveled or understood; as, to perplex one with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perplex — Adj erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. perplexe, dieses aus l. perplexus wirr durcheinander, verflochten, verschlungen , zu l. plectere flechten und l. per .    Ebenso nndl. perplex, ne. perplexed, nfrz. perplexe …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • perplex — Adj. (Oberstufe) ugs.: voll sprachlosem Erstaunen, verblüfft Synonyme: baff, erstaunt, sprachlos, überrascht, verdutzt, platt (ugs.) Beispiel: Ich war perplex über sein Liebesgeständnis und wusste nicht, was ich sagen soll. Kollokation: jmdn.… …   Extremes Deutsch

  • perplex — [pər pleks′] vt. [< ME perplex, perplexed < MFr perplexe < L perplexus, entangled, confused, involved < per, through + plexus, pp. of plectere, to twist, plait: see PLY1] 1. to make (a person) uncertain, doubtful, or hesitant;… …   English World dictionary

  • Perplex — Per*plex , a. [L. perplexus entangled, intricate; per + plectere, plexum, to plait, braid: cf. F. perplexe. See {Per }, and {Plait}.] Intricate; difficult. [Obs.] Glanvill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Perplex — Perplex, lat. deutsch, verwirrt, verlegen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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