- prevent
arrest, avert, avoid, baffle, balk, bar, block, check, checkmate, circumvent, contest, counter, counteract, countercheck, cut off, debar, defeat, deflect, delay, detain, deter, discourage, estop, fend off, foil, forbid, foreclose, forestall, forfend, frustrate, halt, hamper, handicap, hinder, hold back, impede, impedire, inhibit, intercept, interfere, interrupt, keep from, keep from happening, limit, muzzle, neutralize, obstare, obstruct, obviate, oppose, override, overrule, paralyze, parry, preclude, prohibere, prohibit, repress, restrain, restrict, retard, rule out, stave off, stay, stop, thwart, tie, turn aside, turn away, veto, ward off
associated concepts: prevent competition, prevent waste, prevented by law, prevention of performance
foreign phrases:
- Qui non prohlbet id quod prohlbere potest assentire videtur. — He who does not forbid what he is able to prevent, is deemed to assent.II index arrest (stop), avert, balk, ban, bar (exclude), bar (hinder), block, censor, clog, condemn (ban), constrain (restrain), counter, counteract, countervail, debar, delay, detain (restrain), disqualify, disrupt, eliminate (exclude), enjoin, estop, exclude, fight (counteract), foil, forbid, forestall, frustrate, halt, hamper, impede, inhibit, interdict, interfere, interpose, keep (restrain), obstruct, obturate, occlude, oppose, parry, preclude, prohibit, proscribe (prohibit), repel (drive back), resist (oppose), restrain, restrict, stave, stay (halt), stem (check), stifle, stop, suppress, thwart, withstand
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006