
I verb avenge, compensate, get even, give back, give in exchange, indemnify, make amends, make payment, make reparation, make requital, make restitution, pay back, pay in kind, punish, rebate, reciprocate, recompense, redciere, refund, reimburse, remunerate, replace, reponere, requite, restore, retaliate, return, revenge, reward, satisfy, square accounts II index bear the expense, compensate (remunerate), defray, disburse (pay out), discharge (pay a debt), indemnify, rebate, reciprocate, recoup (reimburse), refund, reimburse, remit (send payment), remunerate, replace, restore (return), retaliate, return (refund), satisfy (discharge)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • repay — re‧pay [rɪˈpeɪ] verb repaid PTandPP [transitive] FINANCE to pay back money that has been borrowed: • The funds will be used to repay short term debt. repay somebody something …   Financial and business terms

  • Repay — Re*pay (r? p? ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repaid} ( p?d ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repaying}.] [Pref. re + pay: cf. F. repayer.] 1. To pay back; to refund; as, to repay money borrowed or advanced. [1913 Webster] If you repay me not on such a day, In such a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repay — [ri pā′] vt. repaid, repaying [OFr repaier] 1. a) to pay back (money); refund b) to pay back (a person) 2. to make some return for; compensate [repay a kindness] 3. to give or make some return or recomp …   English World dictionary

  • repay — [v1] give back money or possession accord, award, balance, compensate, indemnify, make amends, make restitution, make up for, offset, pay back, pay dues, rebate, recompense, refund, reimburse, remunerate, requite, restore, return, reward, settle… …   New thesaurus

  • repay — ► VERB (past and past part. repaid) 1) pay back (a loan). 2) pay back money owed to. 3) do or give something as recompense for (a favour or kindness received). 4) be worth subjecting to (a specified action): these sites would repay more detailed… …   English terms dictionary

  • repay — mid 15c. (implied in repayment), from O.Fr. repaier, from re back, again + payer to pay (see PAY (Cf. pay)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • repay — *pay, compensate, remunerate, recompense, satisfy, reimburse, indemnify Analogous words: balance, offset, *compensate: accord, award (see GRANT vb) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • repay — v. 1) (A) she repaid the money to me; or: she repaid me the money 2) (D; tr.) to repay for (I repaid him for his expenses) 3) (D; tr.) to repay to (to repay one s debt to society) * * * [rɪ peɪ] or: she repaid me the money (A) she repaid the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • repay — re|pay [rıˈpeı] v past tense and past participle repaid [T] 1.) to pay back money that you have borrowed repay a loan/debt etc ▪ Your mortgage will be repaid over 25 years. repay sb sth ▪ I ll repay you the money you lent me next week. 2.) to do… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • repay — verb repaid, repaying (T) 1 to pay back money that you have borrowed: The loan must be repaid with interest. | repay sb sth: Jenny repaid her parents the 1000 they lent her. 2 to reward someone for helping you: repay sb for sth: How can I ever… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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