
I adjective abundant, accepted, accustomed, acknowledged, average, banal, casual, characteristic, characterless, colorless, common, commonplace, conformable, conforming, consistent, consuetudinal, consuetudinary, conventional, current, customary, daily, established, everyday, expected, familiar, frequent, general, habitual, humdrum, inconspicuous, indifferent, insignificant, known, mediocre, middling, moderate, monotonous, natural, nondescript, normal, ordinary, orthodox, pat, pedestrian, plain, plentiful, popular, prevailing, prevalent, prosaic, prosy, recurrent, regular, repeated, representative, rife, routine, set, stale, standard, stereotyped, stock, tedious, traditional, trivial, typical, undistinctive, undistinguished, unexceptional, unimaginitive, unimpressive, uninteresting, universal, unmarked, unmemorable, unoriginal, unremarkable, unsophisticated, unsurprising, unvaried, vernacular, well-known, well-trodden, wonted, workaday associated concepts: usual conduct, usual course of conduct, usual place of abode, usual terms II index accustomed (customary), average (standard), common (customary), conventional, customary, daily, familiar (customary), frequent, general, habitual, household (familiar), jejune (dull), lifeless (dull), mediocre, mundane, nondescript, normal (regular), ordinary, orthodox, pedestrian, prescriptive, prevailing (current), pro forma, prosaic, regular (conventional), rile, routine, typical

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  • usual — usual, customary, habitual, wonted, accustomed can mean familiar through frequent or regular repetition. Usual stresses the absence of strangeness and is applicable to whatever is normally expected or happens in the ordinary course of events… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • usual — [yo͞o′zhə wəl, yo͞ozh′wəl] adj. [ME < MFr < LL usualis < L usus: see USE] such as is in common or ordinary use; such as is most often seen, heard, used, etc.; common; ordinary; customary SYN. NORMAL as usual in the usual way usually adv …   English World dictionary

  • Usual — U su*al, a. [L. usualis, from usus use: cf. F. usuel. See {Use}, n.] Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary; ordinary; habitual; common. [1913 Webster] Consultation with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • usual — (adj.) late 14c., from O.Fr. usuel (late 13c.), from L.L. usualis ordinary, from L. usus custom (see USE (Cf. use)). The usual suspects is from a line delivered by Claude Rains (as a French police inspector) in Casablanca (1942) …   Etymology dictionary

  • usual — (Del lat. usuālis). 1. adj. Que común o frecuentemente se usa o se practica. 2. Dicho de una persona: Tratable, sociable y de buen genio. 3. Dicho de una cosa: Que se puede usar con facilidad. ☛ V. interpretación usual …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Usual — may refer to: *Common *Normal *Standard …   Wikipedia

  • usual — adj. 2 g. 1. Que é de uso frequente. = COMUM, HABITUAL, ORDINÁRIO ≠ INUSUAL, RARO 2. Que acontece muitas vezes. = FREQUENTE • s. m. 3. Aquilo que é habitual. 4. Livro de consulta livre numa biblioteca. (Geralmente no plural.) • usuais s. m. pl. 5 …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • usual — [adj] common, typical accepted, accustomed, average, chronic, commonplace, constant, conventional, current, customary, cut and dried*, everyday, expected, familiar, fixed, frequent, garden variety*, general, grind, habitual, mainstream, matter of …   New thesaurus

  • usual — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ habitually or typically occurring or done. ► NOUN informal 1) the drink someone habitually prefers. 2) the thing which is typically done or present. DERIVATIVES usually adverb. ORIGIN Latin usualis, from usus a use …   English terms dictionary

  • usual — u|su|al W2S2 [ˈju:ʒuəl, ˈju:ʒəl] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Late Latin; Origin: usualis, from Latin usus; USE1] 1.) happening, done, or existing most of the time or in most situations ▪ Make a cheese sauce in the usual way. ▪ I ll meet you at the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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