- clear
clear adj1: unencumbered by outstanding claims or interestsa search showed the title was clear2: free from doubt or ambiguity
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- clear
(apparent) adjective
blunt, clarified, clear-cut, demonstrative, direct, distinct, downright, emphatic, evident, evident, exact, explicit, express, expressive, frank, glaring, graphic, identifiable, in bold relief, in evidence, in strong relief, intelligible, limpid, manifest, observable, outspoken, overt, patent, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, perspicuous, plain, prominent, pronounced, pure, salient, self-evident, showing, shown, straightforward, striking, transparent, unadorned, unambiguous, unblurred, unclouded, uncovered, understood, undisguised, unequivocal, unevasive, unmistakable, visible, vivid, well-defined, well-marked, well-seen
associated concepts: clear and convincing danger, clear and present danger, clear-cut question of law, clear meaning, clear preponderance, clear proof, clearly ascertainable, last clear chance
(certain) adjective
absolute, actual, ascertained, authoritative, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond all dispute, categorical, cogent, conclusive, definite, definitive, doubtless, free from doubt, incontestable, incontrovertible, indefeasible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefragable, irrefutable, positive, questionless, settled without appeal, sure, unassailable, unchallengeable, unconfutable, uncontested, uncontroversial, undeniable, undisputed, undoubted, unequivocal, unerring, unhesitating, unimpeachable, unmistakable, unqualified, unquestionable, unquestioned, unrefutable
associated concepts: clear legal right, clear right, clearly erroneous
(free from criminal charges) adjective
absolved, acquitted, at liberty, cleared, condoned, delivered, disburdened, discharged, disculpated, dismissed, exculpated, excused, exempted, exonerated, forgiven, freed, guiltless, immune, justified, manumitted, nonliable, not guilty, pardoned, purged, released, remitted, reprieved, spared, unburdened, uncensurable, unchastised, uncondemned, unpunished, vindicated
(unencumbered) adjective
disburdened, disencumbered, exempt, free, free from burden, free from encumbrance, free from hindrance, free from impediment, free from limitation, free from obstruction, not answerable, not responsible, unaccountable, unbound, unbridled, unburdened, unconstrained, uncurbed, unfettered, unhampered, unhindered, unobstructed, unrestrained, untrammeled
associated concepts: clear title
absolve, acquit, amnesty, deliver, disburden, discharge, disembroil, disencumber, disentangle, dismiss, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, explicare, extricate, find not guilty, forgive, free, give a reprieve, give absolution, grant a reprieve, grant amnesty, grant remission, let go, let off, liberate, pardon, pronounce not guilty, prove innocent, purge, quash the conviction, release, render free, reprieve, rescue, set at large, set at liberty, set free, shrive, vindicate
associated concepts: clear and convincing evidence, clear and convincing standard of proof, clear and present danger, clear title, last clear chance doctrine
absolute (conclusive), absolve, acquit, apparent (perceptible), arrant (definite), blameless, blatant (conspicuous), certain (positive), clean, cognizable, comment, comprehensible, conclusive (settled), condone, conspicuous, decisive, definite, demonstrable, descriptive, direct (forthright), discharge (liberate), discharge (pay a debt), disencumber, disentangle, earn, evident, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, explicit, express, extenuate, extricate, facilitate, flagrant, forgive, free (relieved from a burden), free, gain, immune, inappealable, incontestable, lucid, manifest, naked (perceptible), net, obvious, open (in sight), orotund, ostensible, overt, palliate (excuse), palpable, passable, patent, pay, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, positive (incontestable), profit, propitious, pure, purge (purify), purge (wipe out by atonement), quit (free of), realize (obtain as a profit), reap, release, remit (release from penalty), remove (eliminate), resounding, salient, satisfy (discharge), simple, strong, surmount, unambiguous, unblemished, undeniable, unequivocal, unmistakable, vacant, vindicate, visible (in full view)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- clear
adj.Obvious or evident; easy to understand; without a doubt.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- clear
Free from doubt, burden, or obstacle; without limitation; plain or unencumbered.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- clear
Free from doubt, burden, or obstacle; without limitation; plain or unencumbered.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.