
ex·ec·u·tive 1 adj
1: of or relating to the execution or carrying out of laws
serving a warrant is an executive function; esp: belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as diplomatic representation, overseeing the execution of laws, and appointment of officials see also administrative; article ii of the constitution in the back matter compare judicial, legislative
2 a: of or relating to execution
b: having administrative or managerial responsibility
an executive director
3: of, relating to, or issued by an executive
an executive pardon
executive 2 n
1 a: the executive branch of a government compare judiciary, legislature
b: the person or persons making up that branch see also governor, mayor, president
2: a person who exercises administrative or managerial control

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective administrative, directing, high level, legislative, managing, ministerial, officiating, presiding associated concepts: executive acts, executive branch, executive clemency, executive committee, executive council, executive department, executive director, executive duties, executive officer, executive order, executive powers, executive records, executive session II noun administrator, employer, industrialist, key man, key person, key woman, manager III index administrator, director, employer, official, principal (director)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Having the power to make things happen and carry out laws; the power held by the president of the United States.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

n. The branch of government including the president and those responsible to him or her for implementing the laws of the United States.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • Executive — may refer to:* Executive (government), a branch of government authority, along with the legislative and judiciary. * Executive order, an edict issued by a member of the executive branch of a government * Psychology: Executive system (or executive …   Wikipedia

  • Executive — Ex*ec u*tive, a. [Cf.F. ex[ e]cutif.] 1. Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect; as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of affairs; as, executive power… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • executive — in general use denotes one of three branches of government of which the other two are the legislative and the judicial. In the UK, it also denotes a rank of civil servant above administrative and clerical, and in the UK and US it means a high… …   Modern English usage

  • executive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having the power to execute plans, actions, or laws. ► NOUN 1) a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business organization. 2) (the executive) the branch of a government responsible for executing plans, actions, or… …   English terms dictionary

  • executive — (adj.) mid 15c., performed, carried out; 1640s, of the branch of government that carries out the laws, from M.Fr. executif, from L. executivus, from pp. stem of exequi (see EXECUTION (Cf. execution)). The noun in this sense is from 1776, as a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • executive — [adj] administrative controlling, decision making, directing, governing, managerial, managing, ruling; concept 527 executive [n] person who manages an organization administration, administrator, big wheel*, boss, brass, businessperson, CEO*,… …   New thesaurus

  • Executive — Ex*ec u*tive, n. 1. An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who administers the government, whether king, president, or governor; the governing person or body. [1913 Webster] 2. a person who has administrative authority over an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • executive — /ig zekjʊtiv/, it. /ek sɛkjutiv/ s. ingl. (propr. funzionario ), usato in ital. al masch. e femm., invar. (prof.) [persona alla guida di un azienda] ▶◀ amministratore, capo, direttore, dirigente, manager, presidente. ⇑ uomo d affari …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • executive — /ekˈsekutiv, ingl. ɪɡˈzɛkjutɪv/ [vc. ingl., da to execute «eseguire»] A s. m. inv. dirigente, uomo d affari B in funzione di agg. inv. per dirigenti, per uomini d affari, business …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • executive — [eg zek′yo͞o tiv, igzek′yə′tiv; eg zek′yətiv, ig zek′yətiv] adj. [ME < ML executivus < L executus: see EXECUTOR] 1. of, capable of, or concerned with, carrying out duties, functions, etc. or managing affairs, as in a business organization 2 …   English World dictionary

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