
I adjective aboveboard, accurate, actual, artless, as represented, authentic, bald, blunt, candid, clean, conscientious, correct, creditable, decent, downright, earnest, equitable, erect, estimable, ethical, evenhanded, exact, factual, fair, fair-dealing, forthright, frank, free from fraud, genuine, guileless, historical, honorable, impartial, impeccable, inartificial, incapable of deceit, incorrupt, incorruptible, ingenuous, innocent, inviolate, irrepoachable, just, laudable, law-abiding, legal, legitimate, licit, literal, moral, open, outspoken, plain-speaking, principled, probus, proper, pure, reliable, reputable, respectable, right, scrupulous, simplex, sincere, sincerus, sound, stainless, sterling, straightforward, true, true to the facts, truehearted, trustworthy, truthful, unadulterated, unaffected, unassumed, unassuming, unbiased, unbnbable, uncolored, uncopied, uncounterfeited, undiluted, undisguised, undisguising, undissembling, undissimulating, undistorted, unembroidered, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfaked, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, ungarbled, uninvented, unperjured, unpretended, unpretending, unpretentious, unsimulated, unsophisticated, unspecious, unspurious, unsynthetic, unvarnished, valid, veracious, veridical, veritable, well-principled associated concepts: honest belief, honest claim, honest dispute II index actual, authentic, bona fide, candid, clean, conscientious, credible, direct (forthright), equitable, ethical, factual, fair (just), faithful (true to fact), genuine, high-minded, impartial, incorruptible, ingenuous, irreprehensible, just, law-abiding, meritorious, moral, proper, reliable, reputable, right (correct), rightful, scrupulous, sterling, straightforward, true (authentic), unaffected (sincere), upright, veridical

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  • Honest — Hon est, a. [OE. honest, onest, OF. honeste, oneste, F. honn[^e]te, L. honestus, fr. honos, honor, honor. See {Honor}.] 1. Decent; honorable; suitable; becoming. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Belong what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching! Shak …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Honest — (né au IIIème siècle, mort en 270) est un saint et martyr catholique du IIIe siècle, originaire de Nîmes. Il est fêté le 16 février. Sommaire 1 Hagiographie 2 Reliques 3 Annexes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • honest — [än′ist] adj. [ME < OFr honeste < L honestus < honor, honor] 1. Obs. a) held in respect; honorable b) respectable, creditable, commendable, seemly, etc.: a generalized epithet of commendation 2. that will not lie, cheat, or steal;… …   English World dictionary

  • honest — ► ADJECTIVE 1) free of deceit; truthful and sincere. 2) fairly earned: an honest living. 3) simple and unpretentious. ► ADVERB informal ▪ genuinely; really. ● make an honest woman of Cf. ↑make an ho …   English terms dictionary

  • Honest — Hon est, v. t. [L. honestare to clothe or adorn with honor: cf. F. honester. See {Honest}, a.] To adorn; to grace; to honor; to make becoming, appropriate, or honorable. [Obs.] Abp. Sandys. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • honest — (adj.) c.1300, respectable, decent, of neat appearance, also free from fraud, from O.Fr. honeste (12c.; Mod.Fr. honnête), from L. honestus honorable, respected, regarded with honor, figuratively deserving honor, honorable, respectable, from honos …   Etymology dictionary

  • honest! — idiom (informal) used to emphasize that you are not lying • I didn t mean it, honest! Main entry: ↑honestidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • Honest — (v. lat.), achtbar, anständig; daher Honestissimus, Hochachtbarer (als Titel). Honestas publica, der gute Ruf …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • honest — *upright, just, conscientious, scrupulous, honorable Analogous words: truthful, veracious (see corresponding nouns at TRUTH): candid, open, plain, *frank: *straightforward, aboveboard, forthright: *fair, equitable, dispassionate, objective… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • honest — [adj] truthful, candid above board, authentic, bona fide*, conscientious, decent, direct, equitable, ethical, fair, fair and square*, forthright, frank, genuine, high minded*, honorable, impartial, ingenuous, just, law abiding*, lay it on the… …   New thesaurus

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