- appropriate
ap·pro·pri·ate /ə-'prō-prē-ˌāt/ vt -at·ed, -at·ing [Late Latin appropriare to take possession of, from ad to, for + proprius one's own]1: to set apart for or assign to a particular recipient, purpose, or usethe legislature appropriating funds for the program2: to take or make use of without authority or rightap·pro·pri·a·tion /ə-ˌprō-prē-'ā-shən/ n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- appropriate
accommodatus, accordant, accurate, adapted to, admissible, applicable, apposite, apropos, apt, aptus, befitting, concordant, condign, conformable, congruens, congruous, consistent, consonant, correct, correspondent, exact, expedient, fine, fit, fitting, germane, good, harmonious, likely, meet, opportune, pertinent, practicable, precise, proper, relevant, right, rightful, seemly, suitable, suited, timely, well-suited
associated concepts: appropriate bargaining unit, appropriate cause of action, appropriate remedy
acquire, adopt, annex, arrogate, assume, assume ownership, borrow, capture, claim, possess, take, take over
accroach, acquire (secure), admissible, adopt, allocate, annex (arrogate), applicable, apposite, ascribe, assign (allot), assume (seize), attach (seize), certain (specific), collect (recover money), commensurate, condemn (seize), condign, confiscate, congruous, consonant, convenient, correlative, devote, dispense, distrain, distribute, divide (distribute), dole, due (regular), eligible, fair (just), favorable (advantageous), felicitous, fit, fitting, garnish, germane, hijack, hold up (rob), impound, impress (procure by force), impropriate, loot, mete, monopolize, obtain, occupy (take possession), opportune, parcel, pertinent, pirate (reproduce without authorization), plagiarize, poach, preempt, procure, proper, reclaim, related, relative (relevant), relevant, right (suitable), rightful, seasonable, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property), several (separate), specific, suitable, viable
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- appropriate
v.(1) To take something for one’s own; often used to describe theft.(2) To allocate money or other items for a particular purpose.n.appropriation
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.