- complete
(all-embracing) adjective
absolute all, all-comprehending, all-comprehensive, all-covering, all-inclusive, all-pervading, all-sufficing, blanket, broad-based, capacious, comprehensive, consummate, developed, encyclopedic, entire, exhaustive, expansive, extensive, full, global, inclusive, of great scope, overall, plenary, sweeping, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unconditional, undiminished, undivided, unimpaired, unqualified, unreduced, unreserved, unrestricted, unsevered, utter, very thorough, wide-embracing, with no exception, without omissions
associated concepts: complete abandonment, complete and adequate remedy at law, complete contract, complete coverage, complete delivery, complete jurisdiction, complete liquidation, complete ownership, complete record, complete relief, complete remedy, complete title, completed instrument
(ended) adjective
accomplished, achieved, at an end, brought to a conclusion, carried through, closed, completed, completive, concluded, conclusive, consummated, culminated, decided, definitive, disposed of, done, effected, effectuated, executed, final, finished, over, performed, realized, set at rest, settled, terminated, terminational, terminative, throueh
accomplish, achieve, apply a closure, bring to a close, bring to an end, bring to conclusion, bring to maturity, bring to perfection, carry out, carry through, carry to completion, clinch, close, conclude, consummate, determine, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, draw to a close, end, finalize, finish, follow through, fulfill, perfect, polish, realize, seal, succeed, terminate, wind up
foreign phrases:
- Extincto subjecto, tollitur adjunctum. — When the substance is extinguished, the incident ceases.IV index accomplish, adjust (resolve), arrant (definite), attain, cap, carry (succeed), categorical, close (terminate), commit (perpetrate), comply, comprehensive, conclusive (settled), consummate, culminate, definitive, detailed, discharge (perform), discontinue (abandon), dispatch (dispose of), effectuate, execute (accomplish), exhaust (try all possibilities), fabricate (construct), finish, follow-up, fulfill, full, gross (total), implement, intact, inviolate, keep (fulfill), lapse (cease), make, omnibus, outright, peremptory (absolute), perfect, perform (adhere to), perform (execute), plenary, pure, radical (extreme), realize (make real), replenish, replete, ripe, stark, terminate, thorough, total, unconditional, unmitigated, unqualified (unlimited), whole (undamaged)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006