
I noun accomplishment, achievement, attainment, climax, close, commission, conclusion, consequence, consummation, course, crowning, culmination, denouement, discharge, dissolution, effectuation, end, ending, entirety, execution, expiration, extremity, fait accompli, finale, finality, finish, fulfillment, maturity, outcome, perfection, performance, realization, sequel, settlement, sufficiency, termination, terminus, transaction, windup associated concepts: bankruptcy, completion of a trial, dissolution II index cessation (termination), close (conclusion), commission (act), complement, conclusion (outcome), consequence (conclusion), course, denouement, discharge (performance), dissolution (termination), end (termination), entirety, expiration, extremity (death), fait accompli, finality, follow-up, maturity, outcome, performance (execution), realization, transaction

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

a non-technical term used to describe the last stage of a sale of land when the land and its title are exchanged for the price. For Scotland, See settlement.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

Also known as closing, completion is the final step in the legal process of transferring ownership of property. Completion is usually the point at which the purchase price for the property is paid and the transfer documents are dated.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • completion — late 14c., from L. completionem (nom. completio), noun of action from complere to fill up, complete (see COMPLETE (Cf. complete)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • completion — ► NOUN 1) the action of completing or the state of being completed. 2) Brit. the final stage in the sale of a property, at which point it legally changes ownership …   English terms dictionary

  • completion — [kəm plē′shən] n. [ME < L completio] 1. the act of completing, or finishing 2. the state of being completed 3. Football a successful forward pass …   English World dictionary

  • completion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ rapid, speedy ▪ early ▪ timely ▪ satisfactory, successful ▪ college …   Collocations dictionary

  • completion — In the context of project financing, occurs after a Completion Test, when the project s cash flows become the primary method of repayment. Prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey… …   Financial and business terms

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