
gen·er·al /'jen-rəl, 'je-nə-/ adj
1: involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole
2: involving, relating to, or applicable to every member of a class, kind, or group
3: not confined by specialization or limitation
4: relating to, determined by, or concerned with main elements rather than limiting details
a general resemblance
5: holding superior rank or taking precedence over others similarly titled
the general manager

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective accepted, average, broad, catholic, characteristic, common, common to many, communis, customary, ecumenical, epidemic, extensive, generalis, habitual, illustrative, inclusive, not partial, not select, open to all, ordinary, pandemic, popular, prevailing, prevalent, regular, relevant to all, representative, rife, standard, sweeping, typical, undisputed, universal, unrestricted, usual, vast, widespread associated concepts: general agency, general agent, general appearance, general applicability, general assignment for the benefit of creditors, general bequest, general brokerage, general circulation, general creditor, general damages, general denial, general election, general issue, general jurisdiction, general legacy, general lien, general obligation, general power of appointment, general release, general statute, general strike, general verdict, general welfare foreign phrases:
- Generate tantum valet in generallbus quantum slngulare in singulis. — That which is general prevails in general matters, as that which is particular prevails in particular matters
- Ceneralibus specialla derogant. — Special words derogate from the meaning of general ones
- Generalis regula generallter est intelligenda. — A general rule is to be understood generally
- Generalis clausula non ponigitur adea quaeantea speclaltter sunt comprehensa. — A general clause is not extended to include those things that have been previously provided for specially
- Statutum generallter est intelligendum quando verba statuti sunt specialla, ratio autem generalis. — When the words of a statute are special, but the reason general, the statute is to be understood generally
- Generalia praecedunt, specialla sequuntur. — General matters precede, special matters follow. In
- generallbus versatur error. — Error thrives in generalities.
- Fraus latet in generallbus. — Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
II index broad, chief, collective, competitive (open), conventional, customary, familiar (customary), generic, habitual, inaccurate, inclusive, inexact, liberal (not literal), mutual (collective), national, nonsectarian, omnibus, ordinary, predominant, prevailing (current), prevalent, proverbial, public (affecting people), regular (conventional), rife, routine, unspecified, usual, vague

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Not specialized; concerning an entire class or category as opposed to individuals.
The highest-ranking kind of officer in the army.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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